Cover image: The Impact of Retrofit on Residential Property Market Values

The impact of retrofit on market values

A new research project commissioned by SuperHomes / the National Energy Foundation, with the support of the SDF, has concluded that energy efficiency improvements to existing homes will increase their …

Newly installed Daikin air source heat pump (ASHP)

The right time for heat pumps in retrofit

A new research report by Sustainable Buildings Alliance member the Passivhaus Trust examines the question of the right time to install a heat pump in existing homes. Decarbonising home heating is an urgent priority, and heat pumps are a fast way to reduce emissions, but are they sufficient, and how should they be combined with fabric improvements?

ASBP Awards 2024

The 2024 ASBP Award winners

The winners of the 2024 ASBP Awards have been announced. Now in their sixth year, the awards highlight projects, products and initiatives that excel when assessed against six pillars of …

2024 Neil May Memorial Lecture

The third Neil May Memorial Lecture will take place on Thursday 21 March at midday. Titled Mould, Damp and Health Inequalities, it will focus attention on an issue that Neil …

Footprint Architects Durley Chine Environmental Hub

Durley Chine Environmental Hub added to SDF Exemplars Library

The latest addition to the SDF’s Exemplars Library is Durley Chine Environmental Hub, a multi-functional enhancement to Bournemouth’s seafront. Its mission is to reduce waste, drive a step change in behaviour and build environmental guardianship of the coastline, and models this aim through its construction.