Window reveal exposed prior to repair and installation of internal wall insulation (IWI)

Traditional Whole House Retrofit at Ton Pentre: monitoring results

The case study report on a multi-year project to deliver and assess a whole house retrofit of a small solid wall mid-terrace home in the South Wales Valleys has just been published. The Sustainable Traditional Buildings Alliance (STBA), which is managed by the SDF, worked in partnership with RHA (formerly known as Rhondda Housing Association) to carry out the retrofit at a void 2-bed mid terrace pre-1919 dwelling in Ton Pentre.

Mass Timber Insurance Playbook launch - ASBP

Opening the door to mass timber

A new report that addresses one of the biggest challenges faced by developers of mass timber buildings, the Mass Timber Insurance Playbook, was launched this month by SDF Alliance member …

BPN logo

BPN to become a Good Homes Alliance programme

In January 2023 the BPN moves to become a programme of the Good Homes Alliance (GHA). This transition not only supports BPN’s current activities but will also enable networking with 90+ GHA members, including almost 40 leading housing developers and clients.